Dr. Ankit Singhal is a Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi and has 14+ years of experience in this field.
Education & Training
Research & Publication
Incidence of Oral Candidiasis in Patients With Stable Obstructive Airway Disease on Inhaled Corticosteroids accepted as original paper in International Journal of Contemprory Medicine, April 2014.
Aspergilloma coexisting with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis a rare occurrence. Journal of Postgraduate medicine. April 2013,Vol 59(2):145-48.
A cause of mediastinal widening. Lung India 2016;33:453-4.
Bronchoscopic Evaluation of Patients Presenting With Hemoptysis in A Tertiary Level Hospital: A Prospective Study NAPCON 2013, November, Chennai, India.(As Oral Presentation)
Drug Resistant Tuberculosis: Identification of The Practice Behavior and The Deviation From the RNTCP DOTS Plus Guidelines NATCON 2013, February 2014, New Delhi, India.(As Oral Presentation)
Bronchoscopic Evaluation of Patients Presenting With Hemoptysis in a Tertiary Level Hospital: A Study at 55 Patients APCB 2012, January, Jaipur, India. (As Poster)
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Childhood Asthma and Respiratory Allergies in Meerut City, India IAACON 2013, September, Goa, India. (As Poster)
Cardiac Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Airflow Obstruction due to Tuberculous Destroyed Lung NAPCON 2013, November, Chennai, India. (As Poster)
Bronchoscopic Evaluation of Patients Presenting With Hemoptysis in a Tertiary Level Hospital: A Prospective Study BRONCOCON 2014, New Delhi, India. (As Poster)
Comparison of Clinical Profile and Lung Functions In Patients of COPD, ASTHMA and ACOS , NAPCON 2016, MUMBAI. (as oral presentation)
Speciality Interest
Clinical Respiratory Medicine
Interventional Pulmonology
Allergic Diseases
Sleep apnea
Narcolepsy, RLS
Critical care medicine
Awards Information
Best Chest Physician of the Year 2023
Faculty at National Conference NAPCON 2023
Rashtriya Chikitsa Sewa - Shree Samman 2023
Most promising chest physician of the year 2022 New Delhi
3rd prize in oral presentation in NAPCON 2016 for presenting Comparison of Clinical Profile and Lung Functions In Patients of COPD, ASTHMA and ACOS.
Free ACCP (American College of Chest Physician), USA membership in May 2014.
ICMR Short Term Studentship (STS) in 2009 for the project entitled Analysis of sensorineural hearing loss in chronic suppurative otituis media with and without cholesteatoma.
Certificate of excellence for securing highest mark in pulmonary medicine in university.
Many appreciation awards from MANY SOCIETIES FOR COVID