Shoulder Clinic

The shoulder, a complex and pivotal joint, plays a crucial role in our daily activities, allowing us to reach, lift, and move in a multitude of ways. However, due to its extensive range of motion and high level of usage, the shoulder is susceptible to a wide range of injuries and conditions. The Shoulder Clinic is a specialized healthcare facility dedicated to the assessment, diagnosis, and comprehensive treatment of shoulder-related issues. Whether stemming from sports injuries, degenerative conditions, or other underlying causes, the clinic is equipped with a multidisciplinary team of experts to provide personalized care and restore functionality to this vital joint.

Conditions Treated

  • Sports-Related Shoulder Injuries: The Shoulder Clinic specializes in treating a wide array of sports-related shoulder injuries. These can range from common conditions like rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement, and labral tears to more complex injuries such as shoulder dislocations and instability resulting from athletic activities.
  • Rotator Cuff Disorders: The rotator cuff is a critical group of muscles and tendons that stabilize and allow movement of the shoulder joint. Conditions affecting the rotator cuff, such as tears or tendinitis, are meticulously evaluated and treated at the clinic to restore strength and function.
  • Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis): Frozen shoulder is a condition characterized by pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. The Shoulder Clinic employs a range of treatments, including physical therapy and, if necessary, minimally invasive procedures to alleviate symptoms and restore mobility.
  • Arthritis of the Shoulder: Arthritis can affect the shoulder joint, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. The clinic offers various treatment options, including medication management, physical therapy, and in advanced cases, joint-preserving or joint-replacement procedures.
  • Labral Tears and Instability: The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the socket of the shoulder joint, providing stability. Tears or instability in the labrum can lead to pain and shoulder dysfunction. The Shoulder Clinic offers specialized treatments, including arthroscopic procedures, to address labral issues.

Key Procedures

  • Arthroscopy: Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique that involves using a small camera (arthroscope) and specialized instruments inserted through small incisions to diagnose and treat a variety of shoulder conditions. This procedure allows for precise visualization of the joint and minimizes tissue trauma.
  • Rotator Cuff Repair: This procedure is performed to repair torn or damaged tendons in the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint. Depending on the extent of the tear, the surgeon may use arthroscopic techniques or open surgery.
  • Labral Repair: The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the socket of the shoulder joint, providing stability. Labral tears can cause pain and instability. Labral repair involves reattaching or suturing the torn labrum back in place.
  • Shoulder Impingement Surgery: This procedure is aimed at relieving pain and improving mobility in individuals with impingement syndrome, a condition where the rotator cuff tendons are pinched between the acromion (part of the shoulder blade) and the humeral head (upper arm bone).
  • Shoulder Instability Repair: For individuals with recurrent shoulder dislocations or instability, surgical procedures may be performed to tighten or repair the ligaments and tissues that support the shoulder joint.
  • Subacromial Decompression: This procedure involves removing or shaving down the bone (acromion) and soft tissues that may be impinging on the rotator cuff tendons, relieving pressure and reducing pain.
  • Biceps Tenodesis: This surgical procedure involves reattaching the long head of the biceps tendon to a different location on the arm bone. It is performed to address conditions like biceps tendonitis or instability.
  • Total Shoulder Replacement: In cases of severe arthritis or other degenerative conditions, a total shoulder replacement may be recommended. This involves replacing the damaged joint surfaces with artificial components to restore function and alleviate pain.
  • Reverse Shoulder Replacement: This procedure is indicated for individuals with complex shoulder conditions, such as irreparable rotator cuff tears, and involves reversing the ball-and-socket relationship of the shoulder joint.
  • Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Reconstruction: This procedure is performed to address AC joint separations, a common injury in which the collarbone separates from the acromion.
  • Frozen Shoulder Release: For individuals with adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), a surgical procedure may be performed to release the tight, thickened capsule surrounding the shoulder joint.
  • Clavicle Fracture Repair: In cases of clavicle (collarbone) fractures that require surgical intervention, the orthopaedic surgeon will realign and stabilize the fracture using plates, screws, or other fixation devices.

Key Advantages

  • Expertise in Shoulder Conditions: These clinics have professionals who are experts in shoulder conditions, ensuring patients receive specialized care tailored to their specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Services: Shoulder clinics are equipped with advanced diagnostic tools like MRI, ultrasound, and X-rays, which are crucial for accurately diagnosing shoulder conditions.
  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Shoulder clinics usually have dedicated physical therapy services specializing in shoulder rehabilitation, which is crucial for recovery and preventing future injuries.
  • Focus on Sports-Related Injuries: Athletes with shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff tears or dislocations, can benefit from the clinic’s experience in sports medicine and return-to-play protocols.
  • Non-Surgical Management Options: For patients who are not candidates for surgery or prefer non-surgical treatment, shoulder clinics offer alternatives like physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and regenerative medicine techniques.
  • Pain Management Strategies: Effective management of shoulder pain, both acute and chronic, through various modalities, ensuring patients have a comfortable recovery process.

Call 011-42888888 to book an appointment with a specialist at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute.

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Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Suneel Kumar

Unit Head & Sr. Consultant

Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Height Gain Clinic, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Suneel Kumar

Unit Head & Sr. Consultant

Dr. Palash Gupta

Sr. Consultant

Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Palash Gupta

Sr. Consultant

Dr. Atul Kumar Garg

Unit Head & Sr. Consultant

Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Atul Kumar Garg

Unit Head & Sr. Consultant

Dr. Yogesh Kumar

Sr. Consultant

Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Height Gain Clinic, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Yogesh Kumar

Sr. Consultant

Dr. Ritesh Dang


Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Ritesh Dang


Dr. Manish Arora


Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Manish Arora


Dr. Govind Vallabh Joshi


Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Height Gain Clinic, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Govind Vallabh Joshi


Dr. Gaurav Kumar


Centre for Joint Replacement, Sports Injury Treatment, Knee Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Care, Shoulder Clinic, Institute of Orthopedic Sciences, Centre For Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

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Dr. Gaurav Kumar


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