Dr. Nitin has done First Case of Percutaneous Aortic Valve Transplant (TAVI) & First Case of Leadless Pacemaker Implant (Micra) in Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute.
Dr. Nitin Aggarwal is an expert at managing complex interventional procedures. He has performed more than 4000 angioplasty procedures and 700 pacemaker and device implantations, and frequent Peripheral and Renal angioplasty.
He has presented various research papers and chapters in leading medical journals. He also received First prize in Delhi Cardiological Society India 2015- case presentation – Dilzem Toxicity
Dr. Nitin Aggarwal is a member of DMC (Delhi Medical Council), IMA-DNZ, Cardiological Society of India ( CSI ) and Fellow of Society Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention ( FSCAI ) and European Society of Cardiology ( FESC ).
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